Hydrate Your Productivity
Drinking enough high-quality water is essential for productivity, as optimal brain function is fueled by optimal hydration. The human body is made up of about 70% water, so we need to make sure our hydration levels are maintained by replenishing those fluids. Even mild dehydration can affect brain function; a slight drop in your hydration level can negatively impact your mental health, impair your concentration, and increase the frequency of headaches. That means that the water you drink can actually influence decision making, relationships with coworkers, and your overall ability to be your best self.
According to experts, you should be drinking about 2-3L of water a day. At the Flow office, we measure our hydration in Flow packs!
Flow Tip: Keep it simple and minimize waste by drinking two to three 1L packs. Want to add some flavor? Mix it up a bit and drink four to six 500ml flavour packs daily.